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January 26, 2025


pahakiw tu ngiha! Common Voice 納入台灣原住民族語計畫開跑

Common Voice 納入台灣原住民族語 錄音補助計畫開跑

pahaykiw tu ngiha! (撒奇萊雅語的「捐出你的聲音」)

經過兩個月緊鑼密補的籌劃,MozTW 與 台灣維基媒體協會 (Wikimedia Taiwan) 合作,成功爭取到經費補助,並與 Mozilla Common Voice 團隊正式簽約,將開始執行「 Common Voice 納入台灣原住民族語」計畫。

Common Voice 原住民族語錄音補助計畫 | MozTW x Wikimedia Taiwan

專案網站: https://moztw.org/common-voice

在 12 月底到明年 3 月間,我們將補貼六族語:「排灣、賽德克、撒奇萊雅、泰雅、魯凱(含多納、萬山、茂林)、布農」各五萬元的經費,目標是收集到總長度 60 小時的開放語音。每個語言我們將補貼 20 人次錄音(約莫錄製 500 句)。

錄音介面已在 12/25 上線,歡迎大家試試:



每錄製 450 句(30 分鐘長度)並完成 450 句的驗證,本專案將補貼 $2500 元予以錄製者與協助錄製者。

如欲申請,請填寫補助申請表: https://forms.gle/2jsESFM2bZvufqE39

在 1/31 及 3/15,如單一語言達到 5 小時及 10 小時長度,另設有兩組達標獎金為每個語言兩階段各 $7,000 元。且若六族語均在三月底前順利達標,本計劃將額外提供每個語言各 $22,000 的結案獎金,予以期間參加的語推組織 / 錄音協助者!(依比例均分)

熱烈招募以上各族的錄音小幫手及語推組織協助者中!歡迎私訊 MozTW 粉絲頁Telegram 群組Line 群組詢問參與細節。


1/13 週一 上午 10:30–11:00
1/14 週二 晚上 07:30–08:00
1/16 週四 上午 10:30–11:00
1/18 週六 上午 10:30–11:00
1/21 週二 晚上 07:30–08:00
1/23 週四 晚上 07:30–08:00
1/25 週六 上午 10:30–11:00
(最新的時間分享在 Line 群組)



Common Voice 本次新增的在地語言,包含泰雅 tay 排灣 pwn 魯凱 dru 布農 bnn 賽德克 trv 及撒奇萊雅 szy

pahakiw tu ngiha! Common Voice 納入台灣原住民族語計畫開跑 was originally published in Mozilla related on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

by Irvin Chen at January 26, 2025 02:00 PM

December 29, 2023

MozTW KKTIX 近期活動

MozTW Lab - 讓我們來讀 RFC 吧!

時間:2023/12/29 20:00(+0800)~21:00 地點:摩茲工寮 Mozilla Community Space Taipei / 台北市中正區八德路一段 94 號 3F

by MozTW(Mozilla 台灣社群) at December 29, 2023 12:00 PM

December 08, 2023

MozTW KKTIX 近期活動

(English meetup) MozTW Lab - GNU Taler online payment system 線上付款系統

時間:2023/12/08 19:30(+0800)~21:00 地點:摩茲工寮 Mozilla Community Space Taipei / 台北市中正區八德路一段 94 號 3F

by MozTW(Mozilla 台灣社群) at December 08, 2023 11:30 AM

November 17, 2023


摩茲工寮成果報告 - 2014/5~2023/6

9.5 Years of MozTW Space (Mozilla Community Space Taipei), a post-COVID brief status report

tl;dr 摩茲工寮在 2022/5~2023/6 間共承接 183 場開放文化活動及聚會,合計超過 1600 人次到訪。自 2024 年起,空間的營運費用,將由 Mozilla 贊助轉為社群自籌,請至 donate.moztw.space 定期定額支持開放自由的摩茲工寮社群空間。
(This is the updated version of this report from 2019. Download the full slide here下載完整簡報)

Mozilla Community Space Taipei “摩茲工寮” is an event / meeting / co-working space and shelter for the local Mozillians, open-source contributors, and civil-society hackers.

It is the first of this kind of Mozilla volunteer-led space. (and another one is Jakarta Space). These spaces are funded by the Mozilla Participation Team, and managed by local Mozillian volunteers.

Here, I will share some brief status of the Taipei Space.

(I’ll use “MozTW Space” or “Space” as the abbreviation for “Mozilla Community Space Taipei” below.)

摩茲工寮是 Mozilla 與開放原始碼、開放資料、開放文化,以及公民駭客的基地。台北的摩茲工寮,是首個 Mozilla 資助成立的志工空間,現行另一個 Mozilla Community Space 在印尼的雅加達。


MozTW, Mozilla 台灣社群 (Mozilla Taiwan Community)

Mozilla Taiwan Community (MozTW) is a local Mozilla volunteer community. We have contributed to localizing, promoting Firefox, Mozilla, and open cultures to Mozilla and open source projects since 2004.

MozTW 是在地的 Mozilla 志工社群。我們自 2004 年持續在翻譯及推廣 Mozilla、Firefox 及開放文化上貢獻至今。

MozTW maintained an online product portal and forum, hosting many offline events and engaging with other Asia Mozillians and open-source hackers.

MozTW 的主要任務是維護線上的 Firefox 產品網站及討論區 及舉辦 線下活動 與其他 Mozillians 與開放文化志工與駭客交流。

摩茲工寮簡史 History of MozTW Community Space

The Community Space was initially raised by William Quiviger in 2013, and sponsored by the WPR team. We started the first experimental space in Taipei in the spring of 2014.

After April 2016, the space project transitioned to the Participation Team, supported by Brian King. In February 2017, it was continuous with Open Innovation Group (later Community Team) with the help of George Roter and Konstantina until now.

Community Space 社群空間專案最早由 William Quiviger 於 2013 年發起,台北作為第一個實驗空間,於 2014 年春天成立。


MozTW Space is co-managing by “Keyholders,” 14 local Mozilla volunteers.

Keyholders are all vouched Mozillians and have the same privilege. When they apply for the position, people need to be countersigned by more than a certain percentage of Mozillian visitors (with a community profile and having visited 3 times in the last 3 months). The threshold represents the community’s support to the applicant.

摩茲工寮由 14 位「Keyholder」本地志工共同管理。Keyholder 經 Mozilla community profile 的工寮使用者投票以取得資格。Keyholder 具有同等的權限,可以自由進出與協助其他志工與社群使用工寮空間。

使用者與活動 Visitors & Events

Everyone is welcome to visit the MozTW space when there is any Keyholder inside. However, it’s not opening 24 hours / seven days a week due to the volunteers’ ability. In the last five years, we managed to open the space 19 days per month on average. (Part of the weeknight and most of the time on the weekend)

Besides Mozilla events, we also welcome and support all open culture communities to host their activities in the MozTW Space. More than 23,000 visitors and 2,000 events/meetups from 77 open communities since the soft opening of May 2014.

工寮於任何活動舉行時、與 keyholder 在內時均開放,歡迎任何人自由參觀與使用(開放狀態公布於網站行事曆與 MozTW Telegram 頻道)。受限於志工的能量,我們並未每週七天均開放。統計過去九年間,工寮平均每月開放 19 天。(大部分的週末白天及部分週間晚上時段)

除了 Mozilla 自己的活動以外,我們也支持所有開放文化社群在此舉辦活動與聚會。自 2014 年五月開幕至今,包含 MozTW 在內,總計有 77 個開放社群,共在此舉辦了超過兩千場活動與聚會,共有超過兩萬三千名參加者與訪客。

The communities that hosted the events at space came from diverse domains, including open source projects, programming, AI, blockchain, policy advocacy, civil society hackers, CS education, open culture, open data, DEI, infoSec, makers & designers.

Some of the closest cooperate communities include Rust Taiwan, G0V, OSM, Wikimedia Taiwan, Creative Commons Taiwan, Ubuntu TW, Open Culture Foundation, SITCON (Students Information Technology Conference), and COSCUP (Conference for Open Source Coders, Users & Promoters).

在此舉辦活動的開放社群來自非常多領域,包含開放原始碼、程式、至人工智慧、區塊鍊、網路與隱私政策倡議、公民科技與駭客、資訊教育、開放文化、開放資料、多元共融、資安、設計與 Maker 社群等等。

One of the primary goals is to introduce Mozilla and Open Culture to new friends. In last year (July 2022 — June 2023), more than 260 new visitors had learned about Open Source on their first visit to space (out of 1600 visitors in 183 events).

Not only Mozilla, we also introduce Internet Freedom, Privacy, Digital Policy, Multi-Stackholder Governance, Open Source, Open Data, Open Governance, Public License…all different technologies and ideas around the Internet.

工寮的其中一個主要目標是介紹 Mozilla 與開放文化給新朋友。在過去一年間(2022 年中至 2023 年中)到訪工寮的 1600 位訪客中,有 260 位新訪客首次接觸 Mozilla、網路自由、網路隱私、數位政策、多方關係人治理、開放原始碼、開放資料、開放政府、開放授權等各式各樣的理念。

目標 Goals

The short-term goals of MozTW Space is:

  1. Re-grow the engagement rate to pre-COVID level, which is 55 new visitors out of 260 visitors per month.
  2. Building up the periodic donation structure to fulfill the basic expense of monthly rent and utilities bills.


  1. 重新增長至疫情前(2019 年)的參與水準:每月 260 名訪客,其中包含 55 名首次到訪者。
  2. 建立定期定額的捐款制度,用於租金與水電等基本支出,以維持穩定營運。

捐款支持 Support MozTW Space

We thank Mozilla for sponsoring the Space for the past 9.5 years. Starting from 2024, the budget of the community space will depend on your support.

The volunteer keyholders will keep providing the free space to all open culture events & communities, (including open source, open government, open license, and more.) Please support us at donate.moztw.space ; all the sponsorship will be used for rental and utilities bills.

感謝 Mozilla 過去九年半的資助。自 2024 年起,工寮空間的營運費用,將由 MozTW 社群全額自籌。

工寮 keyholder 志工們將繼續提供開放文化相關活動與社群(開放原始碼、開放資料、開放政府、開放授權⋯⋯)免費使用這個空間,也請至 donate.moztw.space 定期定額支持我們,款項將全數用於工寮相關支出(租金、水電、網路、清潔)。



每月超過一萬元的響應者,我們將於工寮介紹投影片、投影機預設畫面與網站最下方露出你的 Logo,請來信 space @ moztw.org 洽詢,或於捐款系統留下你的聯絡資料。

更多資訊 More Info

Looking forward to your visit!

摩茲工寮成果報告 - 2014/5~2023/6 was originally published in Mozilla related on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

by Irvin Chen at November 17, 2023 08:00 PM